Reported Speech: Introduction Simple Present

Fill in the correct Pronoun / Noun and the Reported Speech.

Direkte Rede: “I will be ready.” (Direct Speech)
Indirekte Rede: Lily says (that) ready. (Reported Speech)
Direkte Rede: “Peter wants to keep fit.” (Direct Speech)
Indirekte Rede: Ben says (that) fit. (Reported Speech)
Direkte Rede: “They don´t know the girl.” (Direct Speech)
Indirekte Rede: Emma has just told me (that) the girl. (Reported Speech)
Direkte Rede: “I have been shopping all day.” (Direct Speech)
Indirekte Rede: Sandra says (that) all day. (Reported Speech)
Direkte Rede: “Sandra is tired.” (Direct Speech)
Indirekte Rede: Mum will tell you (that) . (Reported Speech)